Any kind of biomass based on carbon, hydrogen and oxygen (CHO) can be converted into syngas. Noticeably, the performance of the gasification process depends on the physical and chemical properties of the biomass fed. The parameters that most influence the process are the following:
Water content: moisture in the biomass must be reduced to a very low value (<10%) before feeding the gasifier
Ash content: ashes are inorganic compounds that do not add heating value and affect the performance of the system if present in significant quantity or with particularly low melting point
Heating value: measures the energy content of the fuel and determines the biomass consumption of the plant at constant output
Composition: the relative content of C and H and the chemical species prevailing in the biomass (lignin, cellulose, resins) affect the relative amount of gas, liquid and solid products of pyrogasification and their qualitative characteristics
Size: it is a relevant parameter from the point of view of both plant and process. Too fine or dusty material does not allow the reactor bed to "breathe" properly, preventing the correct flow of the syngas. If the available biomass is too fine or dusty, the proper particle size of the material can be achieved through the production of pellets or briquette
Bio&Watt gasification plant can be fed with a wide variety of biomass, separately or mixed (normally with wood chips).
Wood chips
Pruning residues
Corn stalks
Sawmill residues
Waste wood
Oil seeds residues
Olive pomace
Vine prunings
Rice husks
Tomato peels
Shells and pits
Citrus pulp
Anaerobic digestate
Chicken manure
Water sludge
Paper mill sludge
BIO&WATT Gasification s.r.l.
P.I. 07233640965 - T. +39.02.873.66.873 - - All rights reserved