September, 09 - 2013 Released the new and improved control and management system for syngas powered engines
The monitoring and control system developed by Bio&Watt Gasification, including a new electronic control unit (ECU) developed ad-hoc, allows to feed the engine with a gas-air mixture optimal for the operation of the CHP module…
December, 01 - 2012 Officially inaugurated in Pomarico (Matera) the gasification plant for electricity production from agricultural biomass
The Minister of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies Mario Catania spoke at the inauguration of the Bio&Watt gasification plant installed at the farm of the young entrepreneur Francesco Camardo in Pomarico (Matera)...
October, 25 - 2012 “Energy conversion of biomass through pyrogasification: presentation of an industrial solution”
Dr. Marco Fantacci speaks at the seminar "The horizons of biomass: from energy production to biofuels" organized by the eCampus University as part of the second level Master "Design of energy systems from renewable sources“.
July, 16 - 2012 Bio&Watt biomass gasification plant commences full commercial operation (Farm, province of Matera)
With an installed capacity of 200 kWe, the plant fits perfectly the farm’s context. It will be fed with locally sourced biomass, wood chips from the surrounding areas, olive tree prunings and other residues.